Vaccinating pregnant women: when conflicts of interest cover up the risks
28 February 2025/by E3M
Open Letter to the French newspaper Le Monde and the complaint filed against Professor Lina
On February 18, 2025, Le Monde published an article entitled “Vaccinating expecting mothers must be a Public Health priority”, co-signed by 52 “health professionals”.
As is often the case in such campaigns, the potential benefits of the vaccination are highlighted while the risks are concealed, such as the placental transfer of aluminum compounds to fetal tissues and maternal immune activation, both possible sources of future neurodevelopmental disorders in the child.
Le Monde, which has an excellent charter of ethics and conduct, endorses this approach by agreeing to publish this article. In an open letter to its editor, E3M denounces this drift at a newspaper that was once known as reliable.
E3M reminds us that it is science which must prevail in the field of Public Health.
E3M also reminds us that health is a precious commodity that must not fall victim to the appetite of the pharmaceutical industry. That industry supports – or even drives – the article in question (Nextep, Pfizer), many of whose signatories have clear conflicts of interest within the world of vaccine manufacturing.
Among those signatories “very close” to the industry, we find Professor Lina, who E3M has previously had convicted for not declaring his conflicts of interest during his public media interventions (judgment of July 18, 2022). He is therefore in a situation of repeat offence, which justifies a new complaint by E3M to the National Council of the Order of Physicians.
Press contact:
Didier Lambert – E3M President
Tel: 06 72 41 20 21
The E3M association includes patients suffering from macrophage myofascitis, a chronic fatigue syndrome of toxic origin. The association has been campaigning for aluminum-free vaccines since 2001 and is accredited by the Ministry of Health as a representative of health care users.
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